Soil Health Card

Personal Details
Mobile Number. 9365930510
State Name Assam
District Name UDALGURI
Block Name Bhergaon
Village Name Pachim Patala
Land (Irrigated/ Dry Land)
Land Holding
Sample Details
Sample Number 0
Date of Sampling
Location Assam, UDALGURI, Bhergaon, Pachim Patala
District Name UDALGURI
Sample Collector Name Anand Pratap Yadav
Any Specific Details Nothing
Test Report
#Sl No. Parameter Reading Obtained Range Reference Expert Advice
3 Available Nitrogen 0.094 Kg/ ha Low:< 250 Kg/ ha  |  Medium: 250-400 Kg/ ha  |  High:> 400 Kg/ ha
4 Available Phosphorus 32.75 Kg/ ha Low: < 10 Kg/ ha  |  Medium: 10-20 Kg/ ha  |  High:> 20 kg/ ha
5 Available Pottasium 34 Kg/ ha Low: < 120 Kg/ ha  |  Medium: 121-280 Kg / ha  |  High:> 280 Kg/ ha
1 PH 4.80 Milli mho/ cm Acidic: < 6.5  |  Neutral: 6.5 to 8.5  |  Alkaline:> 8.5
2 EC 0.039 Milli mho/ cm Beneficial: < 1  |  Medium benefical:1-3  |  Harmful> 3